Data chief series
Every business today asking questions - are we using our data capabilities and AI to generate significant business impacts?
Some of them already do. But most just spending a lot of money trying. Because it is fashionable and others have succeeded doesn't mean that your team will.
What differentiates data-driven transformation losers and winners? Strong leader - data strategist. Lets review who it is and what is his skillset.
Business-understanding, tech skills and managerial leadership.
Data Strategist is the person who gets them all-in-one.
First of all the Data Strategist is a leader that makes business.
So lets focus on what Business Skills should he get.
BUSINESS understanding
The second skills domain is data and tech. To achieve business goals Data Strategist should master collecting, storing, mining and presenting data. And being aware of legal and ethical aspects minimize risks.
DATA&TECH skills
Data Strategist is a guy with a flashlight. He should be available to guide a team to a bright future through the darkness of uncertainty and making a lot of iceberg's unseen, below-the-waterline technical work.
It is never about 100% mastering all this stuff. But the more you get - the more chances to be a data unicorn. So, you can get there through some of the variants:

Business Data Architect (data&tech+business) - are highly knowledgeable and experienced in the Technology & Data domain with highly versed in cross-domain Data & Technology solutions, knowledge of cross-functional business processes and objectives;

Data&ML Manager (management+business+data&tech) - well-developed translational skills that can communicate complex data and technology concepts at the appropriate level of engagement, set up valuable goals for business, manage team execution and deliver valuable data insights.